The new animated series for children about the fun adventures of mismatched and tireless team of scientists including the wise toad-professor LeGoosh, his faithful assistant, a white rat named Ratschtein and a small apprentice crow, the naughty Crowny.
Danny is a talented little boy who loves to paint a new picture every day. Young viewers join Danny's daddy in the challenge of figuring out just what Danny has in mind as he paints his picture of the day. So, this series is filled with educational content and creative ingenuity.
Multipedia is a learning-based animated and multilingual encyclopedia which features Aunt Owl who, along with his pupils and assistants, presents different sort of learning material for kids.
A wonderful collection from all the leading and famous cartoon series, produced by the world renowned art companies. Classic cartoons offer unlimited fun and unparalleled stories to make kids enjoy and learn at the same time.
Bonnie bear is an animated series to listen and learn through musical sounds. Bonnie bear helps children observe the sounds and learn about how different objects work.
Harry the bunny makes things elaborative by showing them in a musical and interesting way. It’s a unique series to learn with fun. Things are presented in a beautiful demonstrative style.
Number time is an easy way of learning how to count objects. Objects are clearly demonstrated in terms of quantity so that children get aware of numbers easily.
Arty party is a collection of animated videos for enhancing creative abilities in children. These videos will help in making beautiful shapes and objects including animals, plants, fruits and vegetables through drawing material.
Clay world takes children to the creative world of object making through clay. It increases children’s imaginative power. A beautiful way of enhancing a child’s capability of making new things with their own thoughts and expressions.
Connect the dots is an easy and productive method of learning about shapes of various objects. Children will get aware of the colors and shapes of different things by the concept of drawing.
Two little kids Fred and Fiona teaching how objects looks like in reality and how they function. Through music and visual images, objects are explained by their purpose of existence. This will raise children’s awareness and magnify their mental capabilities.
Hide and seek tells children how to learn and play at the same time. Children can practice various games at home by watching two squirrels playing in a funny manner.
Want to have some fun to learn, let’s start with method of storytelling. My popup book is an entertaining guide towards origin of various objects. Through this series, children will get to know new things.
Number around the globe is a musical adventure of learning numbers series which include animals moving and dancing in a creative way. Through this series, children will learn numbers keeping a happy face.
Petey paintbrush is the best way of learning different colors and what is the best color to choose while painting an object. Painting is fun and petey makes it more enchanting and magical.
Puzzle games are always fun. Joining the puzzle or putting them together and creating the appearance of an object is an interesting way to learn new things.